Free Bleed-Kit Training Sessions

The Trustees of Cosy Hall are pleased to offer

FREE 40-minute Bleed-Kit training sessions, with West Midlands Ambulance Service

At Cosy Hall (Water Lane, Newport TF10 7LD)

At 10am on Saturdays, the 29th June and 20th July 2024.

About twenty places will be available at each session, on a first-come first-served basis. To reserve a place, or places, please contact the hall by email at:

These first sessions are aimed principally at Licensed Trade and night-time economy staff in Newport. If they prove popular and successful, further similar sessions, possibly at different convenient times of day, will be arranged.

Cosy Hall committee also hopes imminently to resume the (equally free) but rather longer Emergency First Aid / CPR / Defibrillator training sessions that we offered pre-Covid.